Gory Christmas and None the Wiser

Three hours after my injections at the dentist, and I really barely felt anything besides the annoying sound of drilling, but Instill can't feel thr front part of my face.

The eight injections numb the nerves which go from the back of the jaw to the front of my chin. 
Besides that I an on painkillers, one tablet of Ibu400 and one antibiotics pill to prevent infections.

All my 4 wisdom teeth were removed over the course if 1 1/2h and genuinly I can say,
I was never this thirsty before ._.

I can't eat, drink or smoke (although I don't smoke). Also due to infection risk, it is best to avoid fresh milk products for 3 days and rough foods as well.

I would put pics up, but I fear people would literally throw up on their screens...if not used to blood.
Watch the walking dead instead, my mouth looks like the one of a bloody zombie ._.


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